JOHN BRAMWELL Announces New Solo Album – ‘Leave Alone The Empty Spaces’

JOHN BRAMWELL Announces New Solo Album - ‘Leave Alone The Empty Spaces’

Currently, on a solo tour of the UK, I Am Kloot’s songwriter and frontman, John Bramwell, has announced the release of his first studio solo album ‘Leave Alone The Empty Spaces’. The record is a stunning showcase of John’s skilful, widely acclaimed songwriting and his unique voice. It’s the first completely new collection of songs by John as a solo artist since he started his adventures away from I Am Kloot.

‘Leave Alone The Empty Spaces’ has been inspired by John’s travels around the UK and Europe performing more than 300, intimate solo gigs. Travelling in his VW Campervan with his dog Henry, the experience allowed John to explore parts of the country hitherto unknown, develop his solo sound and ideas, and meet an awful lot of interesting people. The album is inspired by the spirit of liberty, independence, adventure and solitude that John has enjoyed on the road, as well as the diverse emotions that escape and travel can bring about – from sadness to exhilaration.

His live show is a testament to that too. Audiences can expect a highly personal experience from a performer who has completely immersed himself in the experience of connecting with live audiences of all kinds. This adventure has taken John to little rooms above pubs (after promising a fan he would play in their town that ‘doesn’t have gigs’) to World War II underground bunkers in Germany.

Listen to ‘Who Is Anybody?’  BELOW:

It’s about rediscovering the romance, intimacy and magic of the live music experience, one to one with the audience. The new show will include songs from ‘Leave Alone The Empty Spaces’, a handful of songs from his follow up album, which he has already started to record, and then I Am Kloot classics that he has rearranged with other instruments.

And of course, there’ll be the usual off the wall chat and tall stories.

This is a chance to see one of the country’s most talented songwriters at the top of his game.

‘Leave Alone The Empty Spaces’ will be released on Feb 2nd. The first single from the album ‘Who Is Anybody?’ 

Catch John Bramwell Live:

28th November – London – Union Chapel
7th December – Gateshead – Sage
9th December – Southport – Atkinson Theatre
15th December – Manchester – Royal Northern College of Music

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as conducting interviews for the XS Noize Podcast. Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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