LESS THAN WORSE – release their new single ‘Vladimirs Putin His Dress On’ – Listen

LESS THAN WORSE - release their new single ‘Vladimirs Putin His Dress On’ - Listen

LESS THAN WORSE release their new single ‘Vladimirs Putin His Dress On’ taken from their forthcoming debut LP Iain Hunters Chip Shop. Less Than Worse are far too modest they should consider changing their name to Better Than Most. an odd crowd, made up of Miss Holly Ellen, daughter of Vanity Fair’s drummer, but don’t let the 60’s surf pop heritage fool you! Oh no! It’ll be the last mistake you’ll make. Her 60’s style backed by a punk “go fuck yourself you little cunts, now where’s my fags and Guinness” attitude power housing the drums keeping the high octane vibe sizzling!

On bass is Joe Jarmain: the baby of the band – being at least 2 years younger than all other members. He is commonly the butt of all jokes and is greatly relied on to withstand the continuous flow of banter given by his band’mates’. All jokes aside he has his fair share of talent on the strings even though there are only 4 of them.

Back to talented people on lead guitar is a guy who may as well have fallen out of a 1980’s hair metal band from the US. He is the rock star everyone has inside unassailable glam! “Sunglasses in doors? Bitch please I invented that look” kinda guy. As I said before he like the drummer gives no shits as shown by getting in a bout of fisticuffs with a ton of steel and coming out of it with a smile on his face and 3 1/2 less toes!

And last but not least is front man come idiot/mentally called Bill. People have said he has the spirit of Johnny Rotten, but he thinks of himself as far too rude boy to bother with the punk label! He shoots around the venue thrusting on almost anything that he can, but everything he does has a humongous dollop of cheek mixed in.

Xsnoize Author
Mark Millar is the founder of XS Noize and looks after the daily running of the website as well as conducting interviews for the XS Noize Podcast. Mark's favourite album is Achtung Baby by U2.

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