NEW 2nd SINGLE by Jaq Gallier “LAKE” to be RELEASED AUGUST 2014 on 359 Music
A Nottingham-based chanteuse/songwriter, Jaq Gallier actually started her musical path from her birth place of San Jose, California. She lent her vocals to various local acts as well as performing solo acoustic shows on indie college radio. Back in the late 90′s, she hooked up with local producer Marc Jameson to create Kikiwest, triggering a bidding war and signing for a small fortune to London/FFRR.
After Kikiwest dissolved, Jaq developed her own sound into a mix of the ethereal, the reflective and the cinematic. Her music has been summarised courtesy of a quote from no lesser being than Lou Reed: “There’s a bit of magic in everything and then some loss to even things out.”
Melancholic yet richly melodic, her noir lullabies are destined to shimmer, her widescreen micro epics designed to spellbind.
Watch the video for ‘Lake’ BELOW:
Also listen to the amazing first single from Jaq Gallier ‘Higher Love’ BELOW:
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Jaq is a very talented female singer-songwriter, who deserves more media attention.
Glad to this attention here on