Independent Venue Week is a series of gigs running from 29th January – 4th February. It is an annual celebration of the venues that are the backbone of the live music scene and aims to promote awareness and recognition of the significant role that small and grassroots venues play to fans and musicians alike.
Now in its fifth year, the network boasts almost 200 venues across the UK and Northern Ireland. Oh Yeah has been on board for the duration of the campaign and will mark the occasion with a line up of some of the strongest emerging and established talent from Northern Ireland over the last few years.
The line-up includes three NI Music Prize nominees from the last few years, including Ryan Vail, an experimental producer fusing classical, electronica and folk to striking effect, Jealous of the Birds aka Naomi Hamilton, a rousing and revered young multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, and Gross Net offering an affecting deep dive into the dark world of industrial electronica. The evening also features Cut in Blinks, an emerging live electronic producer rising through the Oh Yeah Centre’s annual ‘Scratch My Progress’ talent development scheme.
Oh Yeah Music Centre presents…
An Independent Venue Week Special
Ryan Vail
Jealous of The Birds
Gross Net
Cut In Blinks
Saturday 3rd February 2018
9 pm, £5
Bar service. Over 18s. Late show.
Oh Yeah Music Centre, 15-21 Gordon St, Belfast, BT1 2LG.
For more info on IVW go to
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