Born from the bosom of surrealist tendencies and alchemic prophecies, Archil walks the fine line between artist and mad scientist. Whether it be building aleatory rhythms through “blind drumming” to create new arranging methods or deciphering the secret to turning metal into gold, there is Something genuinely bizarre in Archil’s persona. Maybe it’s because he looks and acts like he has stepped out of the twenties, impeccable manners intact yet has the burning energy for the unknown, the unspeakable and the crazy running through his veins. Maybe we can never quite put our finger on what makes him so… special.
Voodoo Dance will be the first glimpse into the world of Archil and the music he crafts.’ He marries pop melodies to house drum machines and synths with the groove of seventies afro-funk to create a high that you won’t be able to shake off. His preference to bypass reason and avoid the typical approach culminates in a very interesting creative process, which includes playing surrealist games such as the ‘Exqusite Corpse’ picking random words out of different hats Contacts to tap into his unconscious mind for lyrics or automatic writing.
“This song is Inspired by African trance rituals and is about entirely letting your unconscious mind take control of your body and watch the magic happen, about unlocking your inner realm. It will catch your soul within the first seconds you hear it.”
Listen to ‘Voodoo Dance’ BELOW:
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