Skellums were formed because there was nothing else left to do. Skellums DO NOT want to join the long list of bands who have success, but have nothing to say. Skellums fell together through necessity, tired of the music industry, they set up their own record label, Rent & Debt Records, and decided to take on the world. One little venue at a time.
Underneath all the dirty guitars and pounding drums, there lives a pop song. Skellums believe, that as long as you have a decent melody, you can get away with all manner of noise. Pop songs with dignity.
Listen to ‘If You Have To Leave’ BELOW:
In a world where every band has the same barber, and shares the same River Island gift card, Skellums are a little different. They may be a little rough around the edges, a little bit pissed off and a little bit scruffy, but they have something to say. Soon, they will be playing at Sir Bob’s benefit shows, pretending that music is the answer to all of the worlds problems.
Soon, they will father children with super trendy names, like ‘Apple’,’Air Max’ and ‘Mondeo’.
S K E L L U M S …. they are coming.
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