The second release from Boxwork’s eponymous Boxwork Music label comes again from the man himself. ‘Trench’ is the successor to ‘Dive Left’, Boxwork’s first full length released on Shades Recordings last year; it takes the listener even further down the rabbit hole into the imagined world that Boxwork’s mad music inhabits.
In his typical fashion, ‘Trench’ covers lots of musical ground. This record has no genre but is influenced by them all. Boxwork signatures are there in droves though, of course. Lots of tempos, obscure samples, and music as intensely melodic, percussive, sonic experiments and explorations.
Music by a man in a white coat and lab specs. ‘Trench’ follows ‘Heading North’ as offering number two on the Boxwork Music label. Boxwork says of the label “Its an outlet for un-compromised musical decisions, putting family first”. Xs Noize is pleased to give our readers an exclusive taster of the album ‘CASTLE ROCK’ the 1st single from the new album by BOXWORK.
Check out our exclusive premiere of ‘Castle Rock’ – BELOW:
The two releases could hardly be more different and it’s a measure of the skill, versatility and musicality Boxwork brings to the party that the two records are composed by the same man. It’s why his new composition project Builder’s Tea is brewing up nicely over in the world of moving pictures.
With original artwork by Craig Johnson II and a limited-edition vinyl package including an artwork print also available, Boxwork Music has the format and collector geek in you covered too. ‘Trench’ is available to stream and download via all your favourite channels (please don’t pirate this shit).
Instagram: @boxworkmusic
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