Brighton beaches. They’re part of the city, just like an extension of it. Making love with the sea. Filthy and shiny pebbles, coins from every continent, a crystal earring and a few seagulls. A new vote is always around the corner. Still, Dramalove are insistent in violating the boundaries. It’s been 3 years now since the two Italian twins bid farewell to their home country, leaving friends, memories and pretty much everything behind. In the name of a dream. Looking for the bright lights of stardom.
As soon as they’ve released “Lady Macbeth” in June 2019 (which received airplays on BBC Introducing in the South throughout the whole summer), they’ve been contacted by James Sanger, the producer behind the first Keane hit album “Hopes And Fears” and many others (Dido, Lene Marlin, Madonna, U2) who invited them for a 2 weeks recording session in his studio in France, on January 2020.
There’s an element of wrongness that’s been endangering the whole brother’s life, but that also helped them getting free. The sensitivity that Dramalove expresses in their music really resonates because of all the pings it sets off in the listener’s brain, each one hitting like a nearly erased memory.
It’s Tim Burton and Edgar Allan Poe shaking hands while they reborn as a unique Instagram rock star.
“I am a problem. I’m a loyalist to outdated ideals like mad and eternal love, a constant gardener of the messy patches inside the contemporary psyche”, frontman and songwriter Diego describes himself. “We’re all about wrong combinations. Stardom dreams and tragic love stories, rock’n’roll in the Brexit ages, dark and gothic outfits with an aggressive but stylish Italian attitude”.
To adopt a noir style is not original, but Dramalove have brought it to its essence. “I see no solution, I’m ready for execution, and I’ll scream, and I’ll bleed, and I’ll dream” sings their new single Busy Saving The World, scheduled to be released on the 8/11/2019. It’s a lament that can’t get more appropriate during this climate change alert era. We’re all so busy that eventually, we forget what really deserves our attention and care. However, this new single is more grounded and stripped out than it may appear. The song is talking about wanting to comply to that sense of “mission” in chasing our dreams but at the same time having to deal with day-by-day stories, and the tension arising within these two opposite directions, an unsustainable equation doomed to collapse.
Watch the video for ‘Busy Saving The World’ – BELOW:
The teaming up with the British drummer Neil Davey brought the band to BBC Introducing airplay and touring the UK twice. Not bad for creatures born of trauma, possibly literally, if you take the twin brothers teenage experiences with their dad passing away prematurely and a few addiction problems between their close friends circle into account. It’s a bit of a consequence of an era, really – like leftovers of the early 2000s, washed away on the Brighton shore.
Like Matrix, reloading into guitar riffs and pure, romantic rage.
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